“Integrated Dental Practice, offers comprehensive dental care with experienced, licensed Logan dentist. We offer state-of-the-art dentistry in a relaxing, comfortable environment. We focus on providing personalized care while emphasizing safety and quality. Our dedication to our patients is strong and has been building since our first day of practice. In our efforts to provide a high quality of care, we are committed to meeting the needs of each individual with respect, transparency, and caring.
As a highly preferred dentistry practice, we are dedicated to providing the best patient care that is completed in a professional manner. We value our patients and have made it a priority to ensure that they are provided with the very best care through the use of technology and innovative practices. We focus on integrating technology into all aspects of dentistry. We take great pride in our interconnectivity with all of the other disciplines to which we owe our success. We pride ourselves in our successful integration of advanced technologies with established, high standards for dental aesthetic aesthetics.
In our offices we strive to provide the most comprehensive range of general dentistry services to meet the needs of every patient. We believe in the critical importance of ensuring that all patients receive in depth preventative care at a low cost to them. We focus on enhancing the oral care of our patients through a comprehensive plan of preventative care. We offer state of the art dentistry in a comfortable, efficient environment. We understand that oral health should be the number one concern of individuals when considering their overall well-being.
Our staff strives to make your visit to the office as comfortable as possible, while addressing any concerns you may have. Through a combination of screening, diagnosis, and relevant treatment plans, we aim to keep our patients stress free, satisfied, and ultimately motivated about maintaining the optimal function of their teeth and gums. Throughout each of our procedures we strive to adhere to rigorous quality standards to insure that our patients remain in the best of health. Our qualified dentists are committed to providing our patients with a hands-only approach to their dental needs.
From routine cleaning, to veneers, crowns, to cosmetic procedures, we provide the latest in technology and education. We offer a variety of services to address the unique needs of every patient. We offer treatment plans designed specifically for every individual. Ranging from routine care to emergency care, we are committed to providing the best care possible.
The highly skilled staff is committed to making you feel comfortable during your dental appointments. We offer a warm, welcoming environment, including: private and comfortable consultation rooms, comfortable exam rooms, experienced dental hygienists, and a variety of support services. Our goal is to make you feel completely satisfied with our work, service, and products. We also want you to come back to us again for all of your dental care needs. From start-to-finish, we will make certain that you have a positive experience.